
GLOSSARY is an OS platform for creating accessbile multi-lingual online glossary. It provides support for multiple definitions, comments, email notifications and export to Moodle and as CSV.


Want to see a demo and play around a while? Go to http://glossary.elearninglab.org/demo and log in as editor (pwd: glossaryeditor) or guest (pwd: glossaryguest).



GLOSSARY is released under GPL licence.

This means you can donwload it, install it, upgrade it and use it without requesting permission and free of charge. Also, you can get the full source code, and you can modify it according to your needs, but you must provide credit to the original authors and clearly indicate what are your modifications.

GLOSSARY started by the initiative of the eLab in Lugano, Switerland, and was supported by a grant for software development from SWITCH. Now it lives thanks to the free activity of its users. If you are using GLOSSARY and have programming skills, consider contacting the main developers and proposing refinements, new features, or innovations. Also, the main deveopers have a development plan - if you have time to invest but no particualr need, ask them how you can best contribute.